Cleaning Diapered Skin

Cleaning Underdeveloped (NICU) and Compromised Infant Skin

An infant sleeping in the bed of an NICU

Preterm infants have underdeveloped skin compared to full-term infants. Their skin is thinner, weaker, and less protective against irritants and infection. Preterm infants, as well as infants with compromised and fragile skin, have a higher risk of developing dermatitis in the diapered region.

Properly formulated baby wipes have been clinical shown to be gentle and safe on healthy infants and infants in the NICU. Huggies® Natural Care® Extra Sensitive wipes are designed to complement healthy skin pH and to help wipe away fecal enzymes from skin as well as clinically proven more gentle than cloth and water on compromised or delicate skin. 

For more details on the results of this clinical study and what to look for in selecting a properly formulated baby wipe, download the PDF below:

Technical Bulletin: Natural Care Extra Sensitive - Caring for fragile skin in the NICU.

Clinical Benefits to Cleaning Underdeveloped and Compromised Infant Skin with Properly Formulated Wipes

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