Respectful, Equitable Care Certification

Huggies® Healthcare™, a long-time education partner with Family to Family® Support Network, has provided an educational grant for maternal healthcare nurses to obtain the new, first-of-its-kind, Respectful, Equitable Care Certification.
This program helps promote hospital and healthcare systems initiatives to improve health equity amongst birthing women and their families as they safely prepare for birth, postpartum and recovery.
Respectful, Equitable Care Certification
The Respectful, Equitable Care Certification will help you improve patient care and differentiate yourself as a healthcare professional.
Unlike most healthcare programs, the REC Certification incorporates and encourages ongoing self-reflection, an exploration of one's heart, and the teaching of soft skills that will create a respectful, neutral, and compassionate space for all families.
The REC curriculum is strategically designed to enrich the daily work of healthcare professionals, empower them with the confidence to serve all patients, and equip them with tools that reinforce and support the knowledge learned. Differentiate yourself as a healthcare professional and earn up to 9 Continuing Education Credits.

Benefits of REC Certification
The benefits of obtaining the Respectful, Equitable Care Certification are intentional and intended to:Additional Educational Offerings
*Credentialed healthcare educational offerings provided by an educational grant from Huggies® Healthcare™ to support educating and empowering healthcare professionals to provide neutral compassionate care to all expectant families.
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